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IT之家讯 4月28日消息,前不久,英国著名理论物理学家史蒂芬·霍金开通个人微博,瞬间吸粉超百万,成为“宇宙级网红”。除了围观之外,有不少网友就物理学宇宙学相关问题向霍金提问,今天上午,霍金就特意发微博回答了一位网友的提问。







- SH

Thank you for all of your fascinating comments and questions! I appreciate the opportunity to correspond with my friends on Weibo。

A question from the comments:

"There is a story about an ancient Chinese philosopher, Zhuangzi. Zhuangzi dreamt of becoming a butterfly. And he wondered if he was a man who dreamt of being a butterfly or a butterfly that dreamt of being a man. Prof. Hawking, how do we know if we are living in our dreams or reality?”

Thank you for your question! Zhuangzi dreamt of being a butterfly - perhaps because he was a man who loved freedom. I might dream of the universe and then wonder if the universe dreamt of me. To answer your question how do we know if we are living in our dreams or reality - well, we just don't and perhaps can't! At least not until we start to understand more about consciousness and the universe. We must keep striving for an understanding of the fundamental questions of existence. And then perhaps we will know whether the butterfly - and the universe - are real or just in our dreams. -SH

本文来源:不详 作者:佚名
