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     i、XP下游戏鼠标加速问题方法(for CS)

change the MouseThreshold1 MouseThreshold2 both to 0. THen to set the MouseSpeed to 1 or 2. Well i figured out that 1 or 2 will add acceleration. At least thats the way it seemed. When i set MouseSpeed to 0, it seems fine now. Maybe jsut a little acceleration, but it's hardly noticable and i can actually play now!

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Mouse
Set the value of MouseThreshold1 to 0.
Set the value of MouseThreshold2 to 0.
Set the value of MouseSpeed to 1 or 2 (1 doubles the normal speed, 2 quadruples the normal speed).
Close Registry Editor, close all applications, and restart Windows XP


     更改MouseThreshold1 MouseThreshold2这两项为0,同时更改MouseSpeed到1或者2.但当我改变到1或者2的时候,还是有点加速的感觉,最后看样子我找到了办法,当我更改MouseSpeed到0的时候,可能还有一点点的加速,不过感觉确实很明显,可以正常游戏了. (最好再装个鼠标驱动)

     j、有人会问XP怎么才能GHOST 他没有D

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