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迈出国门,QQ 国际版1.1体验

[作者:佚名 来源:华军软件评测中心 时间:2011-5-24我来说两句


QQ International(国际版)新增功能一览:

QQ International 1.1 What's new: ==================================== 1. Chat with people in any language with the brilliant inline real-time translator! Try it out and you will be impressed! 2. QQ International launches three new languages for our Spanish, Korean and German users. 3. Discover the fun, interactive, and useful QQ International mini-apps in the new AppBox. 4. A shortcut button for Qzone is added for your quick access to the most popular social network in China. 5. Draw and send graffiti with the new Paint Editor from your chat window: be creative and have fun! 6. Like emoticons? Get more by clicking on the link in lower left corner of the Emoticon pop-up window. 7. With the new Tencent micro blog shortcut enabled, you can now have access to real-time news updates from your contacts. 8. Keep track of your active days on QQ and how many days remain until your next QQ LEVEl upgrade. 9. Send nudges to your contacts when they don’t respond to your messages.  10. Know when your contact is typing in your chat window with the new typing status notice. 11. Pop-up tips to help you make the best use of QQ International 1.1 when you log in for the first time.

QQ International 1.1 What's new:====================================

1. Chat with people in any language with the brilliant inline real-time translator! Try it out and you will be impressed!

2. QQ International launches three new languages for our Spanish, Korean and German users.

3. Discover the fun, interactive, and useful QQ International mini-apps in the new AppBox.

4. A shortcut button for Qzone is added for your quick access to the most popular social network in China.

5. Draw and send graffiti with the new Paint Editor from your chat window: be creative and have fun!

6. Like emoticons? Get more by clicking on the link in lower left corner of the Emoticon pop-up window.

7. With the new Tencent micro blog shortcut enabled, you can now have access to real-time news updates from your contacts.

8. Keep track of your active days on QQ and how many days remain until your next QQ LEVEl upgrade.

9. Send nudges to your contacts when they don’t respond to your messages. 

10. Know when your contact is typing in your chat window with the new typing status notice.

11. Pop-up tips to help you make the best use of QQ International 1.1 when you log in for the first time.

QQ International(国际版):华军站点官方站点下载到Mac 下载到IPhone





2、新增APP BOX(应用盒子)系统






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