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AVG Internet Security 2012 12.0 Beta 2发布


经过一个月的测试,AVG Internet Security 2012 Beta 2发布了!据官方透露,此次发布的第二个测试版较前第一个版本而言,已经解决了500多个错误,并且引入了两个全新的功能。一个是AVG Accelerator —— 加速器,它通过加速下载以及Flash视频有助于提高你的上网体验;另一个是AVG Advisor —— 咨询,它可以提供有关浏览器内存泄露的援助和建议。总而言之,在功能上没有太大的变化,主要还是一些稳定性/易用性问题上的解决。更多的功能仍需等待!如果你有兴趣,那么就赶快协助AVG Technologies继续完成测试吧!

申请测试: http://beta.avg.com/


Product: AVG Internet Security 
Version: 2012 (build 1769) beta 2 

* Reinstalling over AVG 2011 is not fully supported, ALWAYS uninstall any older AVG version prior installing AVG 2012 (still few bugs are unresolved) 
* Windows explorer window is opened after installation 
* In rare cases, Outlook may not be responding after receiving e-mails 
* Windows Defender is enabled after AVG uninstallation even if it was disabled before installation 
* Old AVG 2011 banner is still displayed in the bottom notification area 
* Safe Search is not compatible with Firefox 6 Beta 
* AVG Accelerator notification is sometimes not displayed correctly and doesn't have final graphics implemented

* AntiRootkit: Improved detection of new variants of Alureon rootkit. 
* Anti-Rootkit: Fixed several false positive detections. 
* AntiSpam: Added IPv6 support in AntiSpam update. 
* AntiSpam: The whitelist import and AntiSpam training not supported for 64bit Outlook 2010. 
* AvgSys: Fixed issue with scan of dynamic hard drives. 
* Core: More flexible virus definitions. 
* Core: Improved heuristic detection. 
* Core: Optimization of "Scan files referred in registry" in Resident Shield. 
* Core: Fixed crash during scan of registry. 
* Core: Polymorphic malware detection methods have been optimized. 
* Core: Some false alarms removed. 
* Documentation: Instructions on fixing the most frequent technical issues have been added to chapter Troubleshooting in Help. 
* Firewall: Added support for NTFS volumes mounted as directories. 
* Firewall: Firewall settings lists' items can be selected by the space key. 
* Firewall: Fixed displaying ask dialogs for communication of 32-bit applications on 64-bit operating systems. 
* Firewall: Fixed issue with occasional BSOD. 
* General: Added reset button for Anti-Spam statistics. 
* General: Extended statistics of SharePoint document scanner component. 
* General: Extended statistics of VSAPI and antivirus transport agents components. 
* General: Added posibility to switch off scan of outbound emails in VSAPI plug-in. 
* General: Added support for Anti-Rootkit exceptions. 
* General: AVG products allow sound notifications for specific alerts. 
* Identity Protection: New RogueAV detection was added to IDP component. 
* Kernel: End of MS Outlook 2000/2002 support. 
* Kernel: Fixed issue with Resident Shield exclusion list when Kerio mail server is installed. 
* Outlook: Fixed compatibility issue with Alt-N Outlook Connector. 
* Outlook: Fixed Outlook addin compatibility with additional e-mail accounts. 
* Setup: Setup will ask for restart if the installation of Microsoft redistributables requires it. 
* Setup: Fixed incorrect registry rights in Firewall installation. 
* Setup: Kaspersky Internet Security 2011 is detected as conflicting application. 
* Safe Search: Fixed crash in Google Chrome when BitDefender TrafficLight is enabled. 
* Safe Search: Fixed LinkScanner crash during common browsing. 
* Safe Search: Optimization for framesets implemented. 
* Safe Search: Fixed issue with https Facebook not showing verdict icons in Google Chrome. 
* Setup: Fixed crash when saving log files in setup. 
* Setup: Fixed issue with detection of competitive products. 
* Toolbar: Brand new toolbar implemented. 
* Toolbar: Toolbar introduces a new feature for private browsing. 
* Update: Last update time displayed in AVG user interface changes only if the update was successful. 
* Update: Fixed crash on Windows Server 2003. 
* User Interface: Several components were grouped together to reduce number of components in overview. 
* User Interface: Fixed handling of duplicates in Resident Shield exceptions list. 
* User Interface: Added default settings for advanced "Identity Protection settings" dialog. 
* User Interface: Fixed notification about logged in users in restart request dialog. 
* User Interface: The "Ignore the state of this component" option is only available from advanced settings.


Hey everyone, 

second beta is just available, it should be shortly possible to start an update of your current installations to get the latest beta installed!


- plenty of bug fixes (500+ !!)
- new features for accelerating downloads, streaming videos and advisory about browser memory leaks!

Note, that some of the design is not yet finalized (we're working hard to get it finished in the next beta!)



Dear Beta testers,

We have just launched the second Beta release of AVG 2012 for Consumer products (Business products update will follow at the beginning of next week) and would love you to take part and let us know what you think...

With your help on the first Beta, more than 500 bug fixes have been addressed. Please help us to again for Beta 2!

How to start testing?

For those of you who have already installed the first Beta version, you can get the latest update by opening up AVG, clicking the "Update now" button on your left and confirming the new update to be installed (if none are available it means you are already up to speed!).

If you haven't installed the AVG 2012 Beta before, go to:


And join the Beta testing project. Project contains valuable testing information – list of new features, known bugs and of courseinstallation files for download!

Since we've received handful of very good feedback in the first phase of testing, we'd like to encourage you to send us any problems in the Bug reports section of Beta portal. Looking forward also to hear your thoughts about what could get improved, join discussion with others in AVG Beta forum!

Should you have any problems, please feel free to contact us at beta.manager@avg.com.

Thank you.

Jiri Tuma

AVG Beta Team



Note: You are receiving this e-mail based on your registration in AVG Beta Program. To unsubscribe, you can cancel your Beta Program registration at:http://www.avg.com/ww.73486. If you feel you have received this e-mail in error, please contact us at beta.manager@avg.com.

 关于AVG:  AVG Technologies成立于1991年,目前公司办事处遍布欧洲,美国和英国,主要业务为个人与企业电脑用户提供最全面、主动的网络保护,使电脑免遭网络病毒攻击与安全性威胁。  我们的产品经销商与行销网络遍布全球,全世界现有超过1.1亿用户信赖并使用AVG防毒软件,让AVG的前卫防毒科技守护您电脑操作系统的网络安全与平台的稳定运作。  在技术开发上,AVG于同业中始终保持领军优势地位。经过不断投资与创新,和领先大学的合作及聘请世界级专家从事相关软件开发、网络威胁探测、预防以及风险分析等研究,AVG在国际上的定位日益强大。  过去几年里,AVG经历了意义非凡的成长,全球超过八千万的用户让AVG一举成为世界第四大反病毒软件供应商。未来公司将通过不断完善的防毒技术与更丰富的语言和平台支持,进而扩展业务,以努力满足全球市场多变


AVG Technologies成立于1991年,目前公司办事处遍布欧洲,美国和英国,主要业务为个人与企业电脑用户提供最全面、主动的网络保护,使电脑免遭网络病毒攻击与安全性威胁。 




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