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VMware→MS Virtual Machine 镜像转换器发布


VMware,MS Virtual Machine两大虚拟机之间能切换么?答案是能!有一个工具名叫VMDK2VHD.它可以将VMware的镜像文件转换到微软的平台上,使用起来也很简单,一起来关注一下.






'Scrub' the VMware Image using the first half of that very fine guide from Chris Wolf  over at SearchServerVirtualization.com
Use VMDK2VHD to convert the VMDK virtual disk to to a VHD
Create a new VMC with roughly the same hardware (IDE drives, etc, etc) in Virtual PC 2007
Attach your newly created and converted VHD
Power up you new VMC, login and wait (a few minutes) for *all* the new hardware to be detected
I clicked cancel to the new hardware driver wizard
I also clicked no to the reboot - hey livin on the edge here
Install the Virtual Machine additions (v13.724)
Let the hardware wizard run

下载:VMDK(VMWare) to VHD Converter

本文来源:cnbeta 作者:佚名

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